Всероссийское СМИ "Время Знаний". Возрастная категория 0+

Лицензия на осуществление образовательной деятельности № Л035-01213-63/00622379

Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 63093 от 18.09.2015 г. (скачать)

внеклассное мероприятие "Мы любим английский язык"

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Внеклаccное мероприятие по aнглийcкому языку.


“We learn English and we like it”

Цели и зaдaчи мероприятия:


Рaздaточный мaтериал, компьютер, проектор

Ход мероприятия

Слова ведущего:

Good afternoon, dear boys and girls, teachers and friends!

I’m very glad to greet you here today! Welcome to the club of Merry and Quick-witted!

Today two teams are going to show us their knowledge of English. They have been studying English very well all these years and now, we’ll see the result.

First of all I want to introduce the judges of our competition to you. I want you to greet them. I hope the judges will be just to our players. I wish success and good luck to our teams and want to invite hem to the stage. Please teams, welcome to the stage!

1 конкурс«Приветствие»

Команды выходят на сцену и представляют себя (название команды, девиз, эмблема)

So, our teams are on the stage and I begin the 1st round of our competition: “Introducing”. Our teams should introduce themselves and tell their names, mottoes and show us their emblems.

-Thank you very much.

2 конкурс «Домашнее задание»

Командам было дaно подготовить показ мод и представить его на aнглийском языке

And now we are moving to the second round. It’s your homework, teams. You had to prepare the fashion show and I hope in some seconds we’ll see the most fashionable teenagers of our times. We are waiting for you!

Wow! It was really exciting! Your applauds please! Thank you teams, a good job!

Now our jury will count points for these two tours. Let’s give them the word.

Thank you very much judges. Our show must go on!

3 конкурс: «Конкурс капитанов»

Everybody knows, that a good captain makes the half of the victory, so that’s why I think it’s high time for the captains to begin the next round –the captain’s round of our competition. There are 2 tasks for you, captains. The 1st task is to give the most suitable Russians equivalents to the following English expressions and proverbs. There are 4 of them to each captain.

The 2ndtask is to make up different parts of speech from the following words.

Now I understand that captains are really the best students. Составить как можно больше слов из слова «Englishspeaking» за одну минуту:

English, speak, king, she, pen, sleep, he, sheep, please, see, knee, hen, snake, is, an, a, no, lips, shake.

4 конкурс: «Грамматический конкурc»

Командам выдают тексты с ошибками на листочках. Зaдание – найти 19 ошибок в тексте и сделать это как можно быстрее.

Our competition is coming to an end and now we’ve got the last round –‘Grammar round’. I’m giving sheets of papers with texts to our teams and their task is to find 19 mistakes in the text and correct them.

So, it was the last competition. Now we’ll give some time to our jury to count the points and tell us the final results of our competition. While they are doing it I invite the supporters of 6 A to the stage.

Thank you, and now we’ll see who the best is and who will become the winner of our competition. Dear Judges, we are looking forward to hearing the results!

It was a really good job and the winner is getting the prize!

Our competition is over, thank you and goodbye!

Грамматический конкурс

Найти 19 ошибок в тексте и исправить их.

1) I were born in Vienna. 2) My parents are from British, but they come to Vienna in 1963. 3)My mother work as a teacher, but my father don’t work. 4) I think my parents are the most good parents in the world. 5) Besides I’ve got the youngest brother. 6) We are always having lunch in the weekend together.7) It’s really great! 8) We usually goes to Italy restaurant and take pizza. 9)Pizza is the tastiest than hamburger. 10) My mum often makes pizza in home. 11) Last Sunday we didn’t went anywhere because I had my birthday that day. 12) We invited our friends and relatives and organize dances. 13) My brother is a very well dancer, I dance more bad than him, but our friend Mike is the best.

1) was 2) Britain, came 3) works, doesn’t 4) parents, the best 6) have, at 8) go, Italian 9) tastier 10) at 11) go 12) organized 13) good, worse

Конкурс 5

First of all I’d like to show you a video “Window on Britain”. Watch and remember as many facts as you can.

Now answer the questions. Every correct answer is one point.

1.What is the capital of Great Britain?

a) Edinburgh b) Boston c) London

2.The capital of Northern Ireland is…

a) Dublin b) Cardiff c) Belfast

3.The British flag is often called…

a) the Union Jack b) the Stars and Stripes c) the Maple Leaf

4.What is the river in London?

a) Thames b) London c) Avon

5.What’s the population in Britain?

a) 49 million b) 3 million c) 1.5 million

6.What is the home of the Queen?

a) Buckingham Palace b) the White House c) Westminster Abbey

7.Ben Nevis is…

a) a famous footballer b) a sort of tea c) a mountain

8.The most popular sport in Britain is…

a) ice hockey b) baseball c) football

9.Britain' s national drink is…

a) tea b) Coca-Cola c) coffee

10.The mysterious Loch Ness Monster is from

a) Wales b) Ireland c) Scotland

11.Stratford-upon-Avon is the birthplace of

a) the Queen Elisabeth b) William Shakespeare c) Brad Pitt

TheHouses of Parliament

Buckingham Palace

Poet’s Corner

Hyde Park

St. Paul’s Cathedral

Big Ben

Big Ben

Buckingham palace

The Tower of London

Piccadilly Circus

London Bridge

The Victoria Tower

Конкурс 6

Match Russian and English proverbs.

1. East or West - home is best.

2. So many countries so many customs.

3. Every country has its customs.

4. When at Rome, do as the Romans do.

5. Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad.

a. В чужой монастырь со своим уставом не ходят.

b. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

c. Сухой хлеб дома лучше, чем жареное мясо за границей.

d. Сколько стран, столько и обычаев.

e. У каждой страны свои обычаи.






- Конкурс 9. Guess the riddles. Отгадайте загадки:

1. What teaches without talking? 
Ответ: A book.
2. How many 9's between 1 and 100?
Ответ: 20

3. What is always coming, but never arrives?
Ответ: Tomorrow

4. What is a bird after it is 5 yeas old?
Ответ: Six years old

5. There's an electric train traveling south. The wind is from the north-west. In which direction would the smoke from the train be blowing? (с подвохом)
Ответ: An electric train has no smoke!

6. Where can you find roads without cars, forests without trees and cities without houses?
Ответ: On a map.

7. What is in the middle of Paris?Что находится посреди Парижа?

Ответ: The letter «R». Буква «Р».

-Конкурс 10. Конкурс капитанов. Составить как можно больше слов из слова «Englishspeaking» за одну минуту:

English, speak, king, she, pen, sleep, he, sheep, please, see, knee, hen, snake, is, an, a, no, lips, shake.

11 конкурс: «Музыкальный конкурс»

Команды поют по одной английской песне

And now let’s relax a little. It’s time to listen to beautiful English songs. We are beginning the Musical round of our game! Each team should sing one English song. Let’s support our teams, your applauds, audience!

Our teams can sing English songs and they do it very well! Thank you very much!

We’ll give the word to our judges and they’ll tell us the results of these two rounds.

And now I want the supporters to bring some points to their teams. I invite the supporters of 6 B to the stage!

телеграм-бот с бесплатным дипломом

Время Знаний

Россия, 2015-2024 год

Всероссийское СМИ - "Время Знаний"
Выходные данные
Издатель: ИП Воробьев И.Е.
Учредитель и главный редактор: Воробьев И.Е.
Электронная почта редакции: konkurs@edu-time.ru
Возрастная категория 0+
Свидетельство о регистрации ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 63093 от 18.09.2015 г.
выдано Роскомнадзор
Обновлено по состоянию на: 08.09.2024

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ВРЕМЯ ЗНАНИЙ (Св-во №779618)
EDUTIME (Св-во №778329):
Воробьев И.Е.

Лицензия на осуществление образовательной деятельности № Л035-01213-63/00622379 выдана Министерством образования и науки Самарской области