Всероссийское СМИ "Время Знаний". Возрастная категория 0+

Лицензия на осуществление образовательной деятельности № Л035-01213-63/00622379

Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 63093 от 18.09.2015 г. (скачать)


Мы провели исследование, чтобы определить эффективность внедренных систем дистанционного обучения спортсменов, выявить преимущества и недостатки и пути их решения для повышения эффективности образования. Электронное обучение становится все более популярным среди ведущих вузов страны, поэтому этот предмет становится одним из важнейших и требует тщательного и более детального рассмотрения.

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Abstract: We conducted a study to determine the effectiveness of the implemented distance learning systems for athletes, to identify the advantages and disadvantages and ways to solve them to increase the efficiency of education. E-learning is becoming more popular among the leading universities in the country, so this subject-matter is becoming one of the most important and requires careful and more detailed consideration.

Key words: distance learning, athletes, virtual educational environment systems, the DLE system (Distance Learning Environment system), physical education, sport.

The relevance of research. To date, the introduction of information tools and means has affected education. There is a lot of discussion and debate on this innovation. It is important that the virtual educational environment would be used with benefit for all students, both for ordinary students and for sports students. Educational institutions should conduct the process of teaching students in a quality manner, therefore, e-learning should be useful, this point will be given our attention in the research process [1, 2].

The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of virtual educational environment systems for athletes studying outside the institution, for those who are at training sessions or competitions.

Methodology and organization of research. In the process of a sociological study, a questionnaire survey method is used to determine the effectiveness of the distance learning environment for students of higher educational institutions. The questionnaire

through the Google online service consisted of 22 questions. The study was conducted in Moscow on the basis of Moscow College of Olympic Reserve No. 1.

Subject. During the study 100 athletes in educational institutions on the “Moodle” were interviewed.

The results of the study.

We interviewed 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year athletes.

The survey was attended by: 1st year students - 51%; 2nd year - 27%, while 3rd year athletes - 15%, and 4th year students - 7%.

When processing data on the question “Do you use capabilities of the Internet in the educational process?” We received the following answer: 96% of athletes use the Internet for learning and 4% do not.To the question “Describe the quality of the Internet at the university,” all athletes generally said that they were satisfied with the level of the Internet resource service.

When answering the question “Are technical means (e-learning) necessary in education institutions?” Opinions were divided.

61% of respondents believe that e-learning makes life easier for athletes in universities since training sessions and competitions make them unable to fully attend classes. And with the introduction of this system athletes can learn and do tasks without interruption from the competitive process. But at the same time 24% believe that e-learning will reduce the level of knowledge of athletes due to the lack of a teacher-student dialogue; 13% believe that e-learning makes it possible to learn from anywhere in the world and benefits not only athletes but other students who due to life circumstances (disability) cannot study full-time; and 2% believe that e-learning is beneficial only to people of retirement age and working citizens who do not have time to attend university.

To the question “How do you feel about the DLE system (Distance Learning Environment system)?” 53% said they were positive, 24% of respondents were indifferent to this system, 14% of athletes were negative and 9% of respondents scared e-learning.

Answering the question “In your opinion, the DLE system effectively affects and improves the knowledge of athletes?” various answers were received: 51% of respondents approve of this system, it makes life easier not only for athletes, but also for the teaching staff; 25% are critical due to constant system failures; 18% believe that due to the lack of a human factor the level of education is declining, and 6% the e-learning system is difficult to understand, and they are against.

When answering the question “In general, the DLE system rationally evaluates student knowledge?” opinions of the athletes were divided.

54% of athletes generally approve of the e-learning system, and believe that it contributes to the university education, but 46% of respondents do not like the system and believe that it is not fully completed and improvements are needed.

When answering the question “Does the DLE system need to be improved?” 89% of the athletes answered “yes”, and 46% said “no”.

To the question “What suggestions can you put forward to improve the DLE system?” A large number of proposals were received, the most popular were to:

1. Make the work more stable; develop an understandable design for easier navigation of the site for the average user;

2. Organize training courses that will teach how to use this system;

3. Develop a mobile application of DLE, improving the interaction of the student with the teacher;

4. Offer more electronic textbooks to improve the flow of information and updating material in the system.

In general this system in universities is being modernized and every year there will be less problematic issues. And athletes will be able to complete tasks without difficulty. The e-learning system in modern realities clearly positively affects the process of training athletes.

Especially the e-learning system has a positive effect on athletes: due to competitions and trainings sessions, athletes cannot attend lectures and seminars at universities. With the transition to online technologies in the educational process, in particular, and the introduction of distance learning systems (e-learning) in the interval between competitions and training sessions athletes can perform tasks stipulated by the course and subject and send them to the teacher for verification. It would save a lot of energy, time and money.


1. Eremin M. V. Physical culture as a means of restoring and strengthening the body / M. V. Eremin, A. I. Milyukov // In coll. articles of the International scientific-practical conference "Innovative technologies in modern science." - M., 2017 .-- S. 87-89.

2. Chernova A. V. The role of social networks in e-learning for physical education / A. V. Chernova, A. I. Milyukov, M. V. Eremin // In coll. articles of the International scientific-practical conference "Integration processes in science in modern conditions." - Ufa, 2018 .-- S. 78-82.

Время Знаний

Россия, 2015-2024 год

Всероссийское СМИ - "Время Знаний"
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Издатель: ИП Воробьев И.Е.
Учредитель и главный редактор: Воробьев И.Е.
Электронная почта редакции: konkurs@edu-time.ru
Возрастная категория 0+
Свидетельство о регистрации ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 63093 от 18.09.2015 г.
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Обновлено по состоянию на: 26.04.2024

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EDUTIME (Св-во №778329):
Воробьев И.Е.

Лицензия на осуществление образовательной деятельности № Л035-01213-63/00622379 выдана Министерством образования и науки Самарской области