Задание по чтению
Максимальное количество баллов - 18 баллов
Задания для обучающихся 6 класса
1 вариант
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My New School Is Fantastic
Rita Nelson is fourteen, and she has changed her school because her parents moved to another town this summer.
“Let me tell you about my new school. I’m having a great time. All pupils are very friendly, but it’s very different from my old school. I can tell you! First of all school starts at 8.00 here, a whole, hour before it did in that school. This morning I forgot about it and got to school ten minutes late, so the teacher put a note into my record-book. I was really angry!
There are a lot of other differences in this school, of course. We have seven lessons here almost every day. What else? The school day is different, too. In my former school we finished school at 3.00, and then most pupils went home. Here we finish lessons at 3.30, and then most pupils go to sports practice. Well, they love sports here.
I joined gymnastics and football clubs here. A lot of girls play football in this school. I had my first practice yesterday, and I feel tired today.
Another important thing here is learning to do practical things. Their metal and wood shops are like small factories, and we are taught to drive as well. It’s fantastic. I had my first lesson in driving a tractor yesterday.”
Задания к тексту
Exercise 1. Choose the right answer.
1. Rita Nelson is _______
a) 13 b) 14 c) 15
2. Lessons in Rita’s previous school started at
a) 7 o’clock b) 8 o’clock c) 9 o’clock
3. Rita has _______ lessons every day.
a) 5 b) 6 c) 7
4. Rita’s lessons are over at
a) 3. 00 b) 3.30 c) 4.00
5. After lessons most pupils go
a) to sports practice b) home c) for a walk
Exercise 2. Decide if the statements are True or false?
Rita doesn’t like her new school.
Today Rita came to school in time.
Students don’t love sports in the new school.
Many girls play football in the new school.
Rita likes to drive a tractor.
Exercise 3. Name the things in Rita’s new school that are different from her previous school. (More than one variants are possible)
Number of pupils in Rita’s class.
Time when the lessons begin
Time when the lessons end
Number of subjects in the curriculum (расписание)
Number of lessons every day
Exercise 4. Answer the questions on the text "My New School Is Fantastic”.
Why has Rita changed her school?
When do the lessons begin?
What clubs did she join?
What games do girls play in her new school?
What practical things are the children taught?
Задания для обучающихся 6 класса
2 вариант
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Music in the streets
As you go home after a hard day’s work, and you get off the metro train, you sometimes have to walk a long way to the exit or to change trains. Suddenly in the noise, some music is heard. Those are street musicians. You take out a coin from your pocket and throw it into their hat or instrument case. These musicians bring color and life to the city streets. Street musicians are aged between 17 and 30 years. Some of them are men, some women. They play classical music, pop or folk music, old and new songs. Many musicians are former university students or professional musicians.Andrew Hain, for example, was once a music student, but he gave up music and became a painter. Now he plays in the underground because he doesn’t want to forget how to play. His girlfriend is a painter, too. She helps him to collect the money. Another street musician, David MacNell, tells new players: “Learn new songs all the time, or else you’ll have fewer and fewer listeners. Wear bright clothes to attract attention. Make sure that the places where you choose to play are warm. The best places are bridges and certainly the underground.”On Sundays, Hyde Park is the best place, as the speakers here address the people. The street musicians are doing their business with the many tourists who visit the park. The weather is a big problem. It is not so easy to play the violin or the guitar on a rainy November day in London and try to smile.A much worse problem is the police. From time to time, they come, and the musicians are moved to a different place. True, they are not often fined. One musician told me: “The policeman asked me what I was doing. I said I was just practicing. Some money just fell out of my pocket into the guitar case, and I was told to leave my place. I think it’s not fair. People love street music. It makes the city more attractive.”
Задания к тексту.
Exercise 1. Choose the right answer.
1. Street musicians area) men b) women c) men and women
2. According to the text, street musiciansa) bring color and life to city streets. b) make more noise in the streets. c) make traffic more difficult
3. Street musicians playa) old songs b) new songs. c) old and new songs.
4. Andrew Hain plays in the streets because hea) needs money.b) does not want to forget how to play.c) wants to become famous.5. The worst problem for the musicians isa) weather b) the police c) no place to playExercise 2. Decide if the statements are True or false?
1. Street musicians are aged between 17 and 30 years.2. Andrew Hain, for example, was once a music professor.3. On Mondays, Hyde Park is the best place for street musicians.4. The weather is one of the worst problems for street musicians.5. Street musicians are very often fined.
Exercise 3. Put in the missing information1. Andrew Hain gave up music and became a ____________.2. It is not so easy to play the violin or the _________ on a rainy November day in London3. Street music makes the city more ______________________.
Exercise 4. Answer the questions on the text "The Street Music”.
1. Why should street musicians wear bright clothes?2. What are the best places for street musicians?3. Which is worse for street musicians – the weather or the police?4. Why do street musicians need to learn new songs all the time?
5.How old are usually street musicians?
Задания для обучающихся 6 класса
3 вариант
Presents for the Natives
Miklukho-Maclay was a Russian scientist and traveler who lived more than a year on the island of New Guinea. The ship came to the island in the evening of a September day in 1871. Next morning the captain said to Maclay:
“You are coming ashore. Why don’t you take more men with you? Have you a gun?”
“I don’t need a gun. I have presents for the natives.”
The island was beautiful. There were trees and flowers everywhere, and it was very hot. The sun shone brightly high above Maclay’s head. He walked for some time down a forest path. Suddenly he stopped because he heard a noise. A native stood in front of him. He looked at Maclay quickly and then started running away. Maclay ran after him. The native looked back and suddenly stopped. Maclay took out some presents and showed them to the man. The native took the presents and smiled. This was how Miklukho-Maclay met the first black man on the first day of his life in New Guinea. The native’s name was Tui. He was Maclay’s best friend all the time that the traveller lived on the island.
On the first of October Maclay started out for a walk in the forest. He carried no gun. He had only a notebook and a pencil. In the forest, he met a native boy who saw him and ran away. Maclay heard the voices of men and women and the cries of children. Suddenly many men with spears in their hands came out. They stopped and looked at Maclay angrily. When he tried to say something, one of the men wanted to throw his spear at him. Maclay did not know a word of their language. He could not explain that he was their friend. He knew that he had to do something quickly. And a good idea came to him. He suddenly sat down on the ground and began to take off his shoes. Then he lay down, put a bag under his head and ... slept. The natives did nothing to him.
Задания к тексту.
Exercise 1. Choose the right answer.
Did Mikiukho-Maclay take a gun when he came ashore? Yes / No
Was it very hot on the island? Yes / No
Did the native boy run away when he saw Mikiukho- Maclay? Yes / No
Did Tui take the presents from Mikiukho-Maclay? Yes / No
Maclay heard the dog’s barking. Yes / No
Exercise 2. Decide if the statements are True or false?
The island was beautiful.
The natives didn’t take the presents and were angry.
The island was New Guinea.
Maclay knew the natives’ language and could speak well.
When Miklukho-Maclay went for a walk he had a gun and a spear with him.
Exercise 3. Put in the missing information
The sun shone _______________high above Maclay’s head.
This was how Miklukho-Maclay met the first ___________ on the first day of his life in New Guinea.
Maclay did not know ______________________ of their language.
Exercise 4. Answer the questions on the text "Presents For The Natives”.
How long did Miklukho Maclay live on the Island?
Did Miklukho-Maclay took a lot of men with him when he came ashore?
What did Miklukho-Maclay do when Tui started running away?
How did Tui become his friend?
What idea came to Maclay when he saw angry men with spears?
From 17 to30 years old
Ответы к тестуPresents for the Natives
Упражнение 1. 1 No, 2 Yes, 3 Yes, 4 Yes 5. No
Упражнение 2. 1 true, 2 false, 3 true, 4 false 5 false
Упражнение 3. 1 brightly, 2 native 3 a word
Упражнение 4. Варианты ответов.
Miklukho Maclay lived on the Island for more than a year.
No, he didn’t. Miklukho-Maclay was alone.
Miklukho-Maclay ran after the native
Maclay took out some presents and showed them to the man
He took off his shoes, lay down and slept