Всероссийское СМИ "Время Знаний". Возрастная категория 0+

Лицензия на осуществление образовательной деятельности № Л035-01213-63/00622379

Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 63093 от 18.09.2015 г. (скачать)

Методическая разработка Беседы, приуроченной к международному дню защиты детей

Цель сформировать положительное отношение молодого поколения к своим правам и обязанностям Задачи формирование у молодежи активной гражданской позиции. формирование и развитие коммуникативной компетенции повышение мотивации обучающихся для изучения английского языка увеличение языкового запаса обучающихся.

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Министерство образования и науки Калужской области

Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Калужской области "Калужский коммунально-строительный техникум"

им. И.К.Ципулина

Методическая разработка

Беседы, приуроченной к международному дню защиты детей,

по предмету «Английский язык»

для студентов 1 курса специальностей 07.02.01 «Архитектура»

08.02.04. Водоснабжение и водоотведение

08.02.07 «Монтаж и эксплуатация внутренних санитарно-технических устройств, кондиционирования воздуха и вентиляция».

08.02.08. Монтаж и эксплуатация оборудования и систем газоснабжения

35.02.12 «Садово-парковое и ландшафтное строительство»

Калуга, 2022


Цикловой комиссией

Общеобразовательных дисциплин

И дисциплин ОГСЭ


_________ М.Н. Изотова

_протокол №_ от ____


Научно – методическим советом

протокол № ___ от _______2022

Председатель _____/ Л.В.Финашина/

Составитель: Осипенко А.И., преподаватель ГБПОУ КО «Калужский коммунально-строительный техникум» им. И.К. Ципулина

Аннотация: Методическая разработка адресована преподавателям английского языка для организации    и  проведения мероприятий, посвящённых празднованию Международного дня защиты детей. А также предназначена для молодых педагогов, начинающих свой путь в образовании.




Основная часть




Список использованных источников



Более 60 стран во всем мире начинают летний сезон с празднования одной из самых старых международных дат — Дня защиты детей. Рассказываем о происхождении праздника, традициях и символе, объединяющем детей со всего земного шара.

Отмечать День защиты детей начали после состоявшегося в 1949 году конгресса, на котором Международная демократическая федерация женщин постановила обеспечить благополучие подрастающего поколения. С тех пор ООН считает одним из главных направлений своей деятельности защиту прав, жизни и здоровья детей. Развлекательные мероприятия, приуроченные к этому дню, проходят во многих странах. На площадях городских парков проводятся конкурсы детских рисунков. Разноцветным мелом ребята разрисовывают асфальт: портреты мамы и папы, ясное солнце и цветущие луга — всё, что живёт в детском воображении, и что понятно без слов каждому маленькому гражданину любой страны.

Актуальность данного мероприятия состоит в необходимости обучения учащихся культуре, ее различных форм проявления; ценность культуры и ее значения для нации и общества в целом.

Цель: сформировать положительное отношение молодого поколения к своим правам и обязанностям


Основная часть

Today we are going to speak about Children`s Day. Tell me what you know about this holiday.

Thank you. That is what you know about Children`s Day in Russia, but what about other countries?

Let`s read and talk about Children`s Day.

Task 1. Study the information about Children’s Day and choose only True sentences.

According to the Convention, a child is strictly a person under 18.

Children’s Day was established in the XX century.

According to the Convention, a child cannot be discriminated.

Children’s Day is a traditional Russian holiday.

International documents present the question of children’s rights.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child contains more than sixty articles.

Task 2. Read the text and do the tasks.

Children’s Day in Norway

Although there is Universal Children’s Day officially recognized by the United Nations, which is celebrated annually on November 20, many countries have their own Children’s Day. For example, in Norway the semi-official Children’s Day takes place on May 17, coinciding with Constitution Day.

Norwegian Constitution Day is the national day of Norway. It commemorates the signing of the Constitution of Norway in Eidsvoll on May 17, 1814. The celebration of this day began spontaneously among youth, but in 1833 Constitution Day became an official national holiday.

Many countries celebrate their national day with a military parade, but Norway is an exception. Its Constitution Day is noted for its non-military nature. Instead of military parades, there are numerous children’s parades held throughout the country. That’s why May 17 is also considered to be Norway’s Children’s Day.

On Constitution Day, practically each elementary school district in Norway organizes its own parade. But the largest and most famous parade takes place in the Norwegian capital of Oslo. It features children from around 100 schools with national flags and banners, as well as marching bands. The procession marches past the Royal Palace, where the royal family greet the children from the balcony.

Although children’s parades were instituted to celebrate Constitution Day, one of their goals is to emphasize the role of children in Norwegian society. That’s why May 17 is also celebrated as Children’s Day.

Mark the statements as True or False

1) Children’s day is celebrated on November 20 in all countries.



Вопрос № 3

2) Norway unlike other countries doesn’t use military features during the parade on Children’s day.



Вопрос № 4

3) Students from around 100 universities with national flags and banners participate in the parade in Oslo.



Task 3. Read the article and complete the gaps with the reasons A-D.

Nowadays, it is an accepted fact that our position in the family – that is, whether we’re an oldest child, a middle child, a youngest child, or an only child – is possibly the strongest influence there is on our character and personality. So what influence does it have?

The oldest child

Firstborn children often have to look after their younger brothers and sisters, so they’re usually sensible and responsible as adults. They also tend to be ambitious and they make good leaders. On the negative side, oldest children can be insecure and anxious, This is because (1)______.

The middle child

Middle children are more relaxed than the oldest children, probably because their parents were more relaxed themselves by the time the second child arrived. They’re usually very sociable – the kind of people who get on with everybody. They are also usually sensitive to what other people need, because (2)_____. For the same reason, they’re always sympathetic to the ones on the losing side, or in general, to people who are having problems. On the other hand, middle children can sometimes be unambitious, and they can lack direction in life.

The youngest child

Youngest children are often very outgoing and charming. This is the way they try to get the attention of both their parents and their older brothers and sisters. They are often more rebellious, and this is probably because it’s easier for them to break the rules – by the time they were born, their parents were more relaxed about discipline. They can also be immature and disorganized, and they often depend too much on other people, because (3)_____.

The only child

Only children usually do very well at school, because they have a lot of contact with adults. They get a lot of love and attention from their parents, so they’re typically self-confident. They’re also independent, as they spend so much time by themselves. Only children can sometimes be spoilt because they are given everything they ask for by their parents. They can also be quite selfish and get impatient, especially when things go wrong. This is because (4)_____.

Gap (1)

they grew up between older and younger brothers and sisters

when the second child was born, they lost some of their parents’ attention, and maybe they felt rejected

they’ve never had to sort out problems with other brothers and sisters

they have always been the baby of the family

Вопрос № 9

Gap (2)

when the second child was born, they lost some of their parents’ attention, and maybe they felt rejected

they’ve never had to sort out problems with other brothers and sisters

they grew up between older and younger brothers and sisters

they have always been the baby of the family

Вопрос № 10

Gap (3)

they grew up between older and younger brothers and sisters

they’ve never had to sort out problems with other brothers and sisters

when the second child was born, they lost some of their parents’ attention, and maybe they felt rejected

they have always been the baby of the family

Вопрос № 11

Gap (4)

they have always been the baby of the family

they’ve never had to sort out problems with other brothers and sisters

they grew up between older and younger brothers and sisters

when the second child was born, they lost some of their parents’ attention, and maybe they felt rejected

Задание 10

Choose all the true statements according to the information in the poster.

There is only one way to take part in the competition.

The main idea of the challenge is to change the world.

Only teens can take part in the challenge.

The challenge is a way to celebrate Children’s Day.

You can’t submit your picture if you don’t like drawing.


Данное мероприятие помогает узнать о культуре других стран, развивать коммуникативные навыки английского языка в интересной и познавательной форме, формировать свое мнение, активную гражданскую позицию.

Форма беседы позволяет подстроить мероприятие под группы разного уровня, т.к. преподаватель имеет основной «скелет» мероприятия, который расширяется или же уменьшается в зависимости от уровня учебной мотивации студентов.

Список использованных источников

Время Знаний

Россия, 2015-2024 год

Всероссийское СМИ - "Время Знаний"
Выходные данные
Издатель: ИП Воробьев И.Е.
Учредитель и главный редактор: Воробьев И.Е.
Электронная почта редакции: konkurs@edu-time.ru
Возрастная категория 0+
Свидетельство о регистрации ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 63093 от 18.09.2015 г.
выдано Роскомнадзор
Обновлено по состоянию на: 16.05.2024

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ВРЕМЯ ЗНАНИЙ (Св-во №779618)
EDUTIME (Св-во №778329):
Воробьев И.Е.

Лицензия на осуществление образовательной деятельности № Л035-01213-63/00622379 выдана Министерством образования и науки Самарской области